A completely made up story about a completely true story
Creation is set in place but humankind has messed up and now God has put his rescue plan in motion to bring peace to earth and be reunited with his people. Follow the story from the point of view of two angels Gabriel and Michael as they get a front row seat to the very first Christmas.
This hour long show is ideal for a family service, messy church or special Christmas outreach event and can be adapted to fit your schedule. Why not get in touch to find out about our prices and how to book.

It's magnificent, it's a bonanza and it's at Christmas time, what more could you possibly want?!
Join Play it by Ear drama company as they take you on a journey of magnificent Christmas mayhem; there'll be pantomime, plenty of festive cheer and a good old fashioned sing along.
Christmas is a time to bring people together and this brand new show is designed as a community outreach event which tells a story of being loved and valued by the One who made us. Why not get in touch to find out about our prices and how to book.
Of course that's not all; we'll still be availble for our usual range of Christmas workshops and sketches so if you need some help putting a drama together for a carol service or perhaps you'd like a short performance and a talk at one of your normal services over the Christmas period then please get in touch at playitbyeardrama@gmail.com or use the 'CONTACT' button above!
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